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This collection started when I saw these pencil-tights on Pinterest. It inspired me to go searching, and see how many other pencil-like and made-from-pencil things I could find.

You might be surprised by how many amazing things I found…

 Lovely and quirky pencil necklace by Corazón de Galleta. From Bem Legaus.

 You can make this!! A tutorial on how to make this cute pencil pencil case is over on Gwenny Penny.

 Cold? Warm up your pencils – and your fingers – with these pencil sweaters found at Whimsy Love.

 Pencil mountains – by Brent Couchman.

 Hello! Pencil nails! I never do my nails because they get destroyed when I work, but I love this!

 Pencils you can eat! From Money Wise Moms.

 Now these are just awesome! Pencil thongs (or flip-flops, or jandles, or whatever you call them) by Lauren Milroy.

 Aww, a pencil scarf! From lmnop.

 Pencil sculpture? Or perhaps a jewellery tree? Found on Pinterest.

Colour pencil earring studs. Brilliant! By HuiYi Tan.


 More pencil jewellery – you can DIY these ones!

 A very long piece of art… from Pottery Barn.

 Adorable pencil mountains! I think the dog wants to be with the sheep… by teconlene.

 Amazing pencil sculpture!

 Ahh, puns 🙂 From

And finally – a knitted tiny pencil. Squee! You can learn to make your own here.


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