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Peeps, meet Teddy!

Teddy is the kitty I told you about this morning. {I have already taken to calling him Teddy Bear, ’cause he’s big and soft and cuddly.}

Well, we went and met him… and brought him home! His owners were moving into a situation where they couldn’t keep him any more, and he needed a new family. I’ve been wanting another cat for AAAGES, so when I saw his pic pop up on Facebook, I won Nick over by showing him Teddy’s photo. Yeah, I know his weak spots… hehehe… he’s a sucker for a cute kitty face.

Teddy’s an 18-month-old Maine Coon, and by the look of those paws, he’s going to be quite the monster-cat once he finishes growing! I managed to snap this photo tonight when he’d ventured out from hiding under the bed. He’s now sacked out on the couch here in my studio.

Gobbolino is taking it in his stride (seriously, I have NEVER known another cat that was so chilled out… he’s all like ‘hey dude, can we be friends?’… but Teddy’s a leetle bit apprehensive about that. We’re hoping he settles in and they become pals).

Also!! Big news…

…the winner of the Plushka giveaway is Jennifer S!

And… *drumroll*… the winner of the Double Pass to Etsy Success Sydney is:

Julia Fantini of Vinyl Design!

Huge congrats, Julia – can’t wait to meet you there!

So sorry to all the wonderful shops who didn’t win – I wish I could have given each and every one of you a ticket. You all deserved one. xx


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