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66/365: CHANGE takes time {Explored}

“Change is the essence of life. Be willing to surrender what you are for what you could become.” {author unknown}


I’ve been mulling over the direction of my blog for a little while now.

You see, I don’t think a blog is ever a ‘finished’ thing. I don’t think it ever stops growing and evolving. I think if it did, then it would get boring… and I feel like I’m in a little mini-rut at the moment. Nothing serious, but enough to make me pause and think.

I’ve got questions floating around in my head.

Questions like:

  • What are my goals?
  • What do I want to share here?
  • What do my readers enjoy the most? Do you enjoy my personal posts, or when I share other people’s work… or both?
  • Should I blog less, and write more in-depth posts, or should I blog more, and go more of a ‘design blog’ direction?
  • What’s the definition of my blog – what niche does it fit in – lifestyle, craft, design… – and does it even NEED to fit in a niche??
  • Do I have too much going on in the sidebars? Do I need to simplify?

I’ve noticed a decrease in blog comments recently – BUT – I’ve noticed an increase of people tweeting/leaving facebook comments about my blog posts. So is the conversation just happening elsewhere? And do I blog things that encourage conversation, is that my goal? Do I not share enough of my thoughts?

You see… much is swirling around in my brain! I wanted to share all this with you because this blog is as much for you as it is about me.

I love this blog so much, and I want to make sure it’s a true reflection of my creative journey. I have a few ideas of projects and fun things to implement over the next little while (one idea came to me last night, on the edge of sleep – as they do!) so I’m looking forward to putting all of that into action!

I want this to be a place that inspires you, makes you happy, leaves you thinking about things, and where I share a little bit more of ‘me’ with the world.

Maybe it’s the turn of the seasons… maybe it’s because I’m almost 30… but really, I think it’s just something that happens, this re-evaluating. It’s a process that might be a little painful, but nothing is birthed without a little pain, right?

{Image by AllyRichelle on Flickr}


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