A few weeks ago, on a whim, I decided to try and make a felt ball out of the little bits of yarn I had left over from crocheting granny squares.
This is what I made.
See, I tend to be the ‘jump in and try it’ type of person. I thought I’d remembered reading you needed to use water and soap… what I neglected to remember is that you can only use proper woolen yarn… whoops!
Here’s the tutorial I should have read first! And what felted balls should look like…
P.S. I’m going into hospital today to have my wisdom teeth out – eep! Wish me luck everyone!
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Way to just get in there and do it! Cute cute:-)
Oh Jess, LOL at your ball! You are very brave putting up a picture – I shouldn’t laugh.. I’m the same breed. Usually with sewing..I’m of the “who needs a pattern?” variety. Good luck in hospital. Enjoy the icecream… : )
those felted balls are cool… digging the colors. Hope that wisdom teeth thing goes/went well.
Ooohhh… love the colours. Your felted ball looks about ONE BILLION better than any that I could attempt!!
Best of luck with the wisdom teeth op! (You’ll be fine before you know it – I’ve been there, done that) 🙂