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con·nect (k-nkt)

v. con·nect·ed, con·nect·ing, con·nects v.intr.

1. To become joined or united: two streams connecting to form a river.
2. To be scheduled so as to provide continuing service, as between airplanes or buses.
3. To establish a rapport or relationship; relate: The candidate failed to connect with the voters.
4. Sports To hit or play a ball successfully: The batter connected for a home run.



Jess – I spend a lot of time connecting with people online, and I love all my online friends… but there’s something to be said for the physical world. I rarely get out of the house (except to go to the post office!) so the people around me – my family – are the ones I connect the most with in the offline world.

Thursday – I’m kind of a loner by nature (not the cool leather jacket kind though).  Normally I don’t see this as a problem, but recently I’ve begun to wonder how my social behaviour may affect Georgia.  Some have suggested that a second child would fill-in this missing child-to-child interaction, but to save my sanity I’ve opted for a weekly playdate with a good friend.


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