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When I came across these ‘re-loved’ pieces of furniture by Tango and James, I knew I had to share.

Not only do I love the ethos behind taking old furniture and making it new again, I also love the fabrics Lisa chooses!

Not to mention the styling of these photos – beautiful.

When I see things like this it makes me want to a) buy some, and b) make some for myself. But alas, we’re already packed to the rafters (literally, you should SEE all the stuff we have jammed into the shed and container) so there’s no new or re-loved furniture in my future until we build a house.

I keep meaning to go through and de-clutter – but I’m always so busy that I haven’t yet made it a priority. Maybe when I have a break over Christmas/New Year I will finally get to it!

Do you have de-cluttering that you desperately need to do, too?


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