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Some of you may already know that I’m an atheist.

It’s not something I talk about much online, because while it is fundamental to my nature, it’s not fundamental to my business – and I realise that being atheist is unpopular in some circles.

However – this isn’t a post about my faith (or lack thereof). But knowing that about me is necessary for what comes next.

This is a post about grace. As in the grace that many religious people say before they eat.

I was looking at my plate recently and I thought (not for the first time) how grateful I was to the plants and animals that have died to feed me. I dread to think how many living things have had to sacrifice their lives to keep mine going – but I’m practical enough to realise that this is the circle of life, the way of nature, and that it’s natural and right.


Why should I not say my own grace? Why shouldn’t I give thanks? Just because I’m not giving thanks to a higher being, there is still a lot of thanks to be given.

And so I thought. To what should I give thanks? And it came to me so easily.

I may not say it out loud, but in my mind, I say:


Thank you, Sun, for giving the energy to this world.

Thank you, Earth, for providing the nourishment that has grown my food.

Thank you, little plants, for giving up your days basking in the sun and soil for me.

Thank you, sweet animals, for giving of your flesh and body so that mine may continue.

Thank you, farmers. You are so much more important than anyone gives you credit for. You keep us all alive.


Of course, the purpose of this is not to send vibes throughout the universe (because I don’t believe in such things).

The purpose of this is to work on my own inner self. To make myself more aware. To make myself more humble. To make myself more grateful and mindful of the truth of this life. That, when it comes down to it, I couldn’t exist without all of these things.

We (and by we, I mostly mean Nick, let’s be honest here) grow a lot of our own vegies, and we have plans to grow almost all of our fruit and vegetables in the coming years. This is a vital part of our DIY Life Plan. To become as self-sufficient as we can.

Eating food out of your own garden is something really special – something I think many of us in the western world have lost touch with. It really does taste better. And you value it a lot more because you have seen just how long it has taken to grow from seed to fruit.

Many of us who live a modern lifestyle have no connection to our food beyond the supermarket. We take food for granted while more than half the people on the planet live with starvation as a daily reality.

I forget this fact all the time as I glide through my daily life – caught up in my obsession with my work and day-to-day. The food is always just there. I take it for granted.

Perhaps it’s time I stop doing that and remember to give thanks more often.


Do you say your own form of grace? What do you give thanks for? Share in the comments…

{image from Kitchenist}


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