Oh, this is just so *squee!!*
I stumbled over a link to this tutorial at the Storque blog, and just had to share. How would you like to make one of these? What an awesome little talking piece, or gift for a good friend.
The whole tutorial is over at The Hipster Home… check it out!
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Oh my freaking god, these are so cute!! I am so inspired that I’m going to the garden centre tomorrow, to look for some stuff to make a terrarium! (perhaps not in a lightbulb though, I’m too clumsy for that)
Hehe, so glad you like it, Erin! I am totally making a terrarium when I settle down again ;D
Wow! Just wow.
I’ll put this idea on the bucket list!
.-= courtney´s last blog ..There are things known, and there are things unknown… and in between are the Doors. =-.