{Sarah Vickers}
{Jysla Kay}
{Allegra Vilella}

{Chris Craymer}

All images sourced through imgfave.com. For attributions please visit my Young Love Collection.
{Edit: this post was written in 2009, before I properly understood image attribution. I have started working through this post, aiming to find the original artist/photographer wherever possible. If you know the source of an image, PLEASE let me know in the comments. Thank you!}
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oh oh OH! you just made me CRY (which is easy of late, but still!) with this beautiful swath of qualia.
fun and love are the only two things worth living for, says i. oh, and old books.
so wonderful and uplifting! love is the answer….
Awww…..so lovely!!
aw so beautiful and heartfelt!! yay for love!!!!! hehe
really nice collection 🙂
So beautiful and touching! I love it!
this was a great way to end my friday work day. thank you!
Thank you, everyone. I’m so glad to have brought tears and smiles to people! 😀
Beautiful Jess!
just beautiful….love that moment.
This is so nice!
I remember loving like that, Makes me want to try again
I suppose it’s only white people that can fall in love. Not a single picture of any minorities.
Amazing collection of pictures! Love is God and God is Love. Your lovely collection of pictures bears the testimony to this fact. Keep up the great work!
.-= Vijay – Meditation Techniques Guide´s last blog ..Vipassana Meditation =-.
Only see hetero indie stuff?
Only girls can appreciate this…hahah 🙂
mike jones, please stop being a racially hypersensitive scumbag and enjoy the artwork. I hate that every work of art today is subject to racial analysis. What if the photos were taken in a country (or even a city) where there are very few “minorities”? The sad thing is, even if there isn’t a black person within 100 miles of the photographer, they’re still a racist not to take photographs of people of all races. Because of people like you. And who’s the racist then?
I bet you’re an anal-retentive White American with nothing better to do. Get a life.
On a happier note, I love these photos, keep up the good work.
Everyone is young. Do you have to be young to be in love?
Of course not! But I wanted to focus on that young, beginning stage of love… hence the title and focus of this piece.
Your site is listed on a cheesy web site list – I HAVE NO IDEA WHY!!! – This is REALLY, REALLY, REALLY GOOD! All I can say is WOW! Love it!!!
great job, you portray the deep meaning of love. more of this…………
.-= apol´s last blog ..5 Ways to Get Back at Your Ex =-.
Yes, good pictures, but mostly stolen from other sites. If you’re going to use someone’s pictures, at least give them credit. Pathetic.
Anony, you have a good point. However, I didn’t want to interrupt the flow of the photoessay with words – that is why I stated at the bottom where the images were sourced from. Iif you click on the link at the bottom you are taken to the source of the photos, which links to the original artist in most cases.
This made me really melancholy. I hope i can find a love like this again. its been too long. *sigh*
Brilliant stuff and great pictures. I bookmarked your page, it brings happiness and hope 🙂 xx
really nice pictures. Makes me happy:)
just let love be
I think this whole page is absolutely lovely!
Why can’t people just accept the photos for what they are, instead of getting on their soap-boxes and ranting about pet peeves?
Here is a pic i want to ad of me and my gf the best gf ever 🙂 i love her a lot http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=616520&id=1024842164
of course its up to u though to add it or not but i know my gf would love to see it on this and it would show to her how much she means to me
great great collections…
i’ll be sharing this page, post some like this dude….
.-= apol´s last blog ..3 Signs of Female Interest in a Date =-.
Am I the only one, who this collection made sad? :). it just reminded me how rare non-vague people are these days. That at 22 I will never agan be touched by cute, naive, blind and pure young love. I know too much myself, relationships and women, its never really possible to feel something like this again :). Its like the first time you do a really good drug. When you start knowing what you expect and know the person you become around it its just not the same 🙂
No Alex you aren’t the only one, it made me feel pretty melancholy too. Not that it was a bad collection in anyway, I thought it was touching and inspired, but it stabs you right in the heart if you’ve had that naive, innocent, everything is wonderful kind of relationship with someone and now it’s gone.
This was just so cute OMG
kinda cool, QQ though: why were all the couples white hetero’s? i’m not gay but i’m not white either and i feel kinda left out…no happiness for my kind. oh well. 🙁
Hey Anon! – thanks for your comment. I may have replied to a similar one before, but I think it comes down to the source I used – imgfave. These are the pics I found there, and didn’t put a lot of analysis into what I chose – if I were to do this again I would be more conscious of my choices.
A bunch of young, skinny, white people. This is not reality. This is Hollywood at it’s worst.
Nice to share the love.
um…one of those pic is mine…i took it…im confused why its on your site.
Hi ara – please tell me which one and I will either take it down, or give you attribution and a link (whichever you prefer) – thank you for letting me know!
words can not describe how this made me feel. the 5th picture, the kissing in the rain, that picture literally made me cry just now. this was a beautiful collection. i shared it with my boyfriend, and he thought it was adorable. thank you for posting this.
beautiful… refreshing.
So simple and yet so beautiful……