This post is part of my 40 before 40 project.
22. Simplify – get rid of all the junk I have accumulated – have a place for everything and everything in its place.
This week, it was still pretty easy to find 7 things to get rid of. I’m dreading the day when it starts getting hard!
It’s a relief to find that it’s an easy task to manage. I usually hate clearing and organising, because I often find I get overwhelmed. Doing it this way, I know I have a limit, and that makes it easier.
This week, I’m getting rid of:
- A Christmas-themed apron. I think I inherited this, but I have enough aprons, and I don’t really like it.
- A dark green fleece jumper that I’ve never really liked, it’s always felt too tight.
- An old worn-out hat. It’s pretty, but past its used-by-date, really.
- A trench-jacket that I haven’t worn in years. I need to be a bit harsh towards my jacket collection. I mean, I get maybe 2-3 months to wear them, and I have tons!
- Three cute softies! These little guys are giant microbes that I bought a few years back when I was teaching biotechnology. I still think they’re cute, but I’m ready to pass them on to a geek who will more fully appreciate them! These guys are the common cold, e-coli, and kissing disease, from left to right.
Are you doing your own 365 Things Project? Please share in the comments!
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those softies are cute, I’m sure they’ll find a new home pretty quick
I NEED TO DO THIS!!!! A slowly, slowly approach to my hoarder tendancies. My husband will be thrilled.