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And apparently that leads me to inadvertently channel Yoda ;D

Yes, I was happily surprised yesterday when I checked my blog stats to discover that Epheriell Designs has surpassed 1 Million Views.

One Million! That’s pretty phenomenal, and when I started this blog 3 years ago I don’t think I ever quite imagined it would become what it has.

I think it goes without saying that I’m stoked, and excited… and eager to see how soon we can reach the next milestone!

And of course… without you, I’d be talking to no-one. So I’d like to take this opportunity to thank some of my most loyal readers and commenters – every comment on this blog makes me smile, so thank you Vickie, Tasha, Deb, Teresa, Elle, Sally, Emily, Janine, Kathryn, Anastasia, Caren, Grace, Melanie, Toni… and everyone else who stops by and takes the time to not only read my posts, but share their thoughts with me.

And another thank you to all of you who share my posts on twitter, facebook, pinterest and StumbleUpon, you have helped this little blog to grow!

And finally… thank you to my silent readers. I know you’re there – I’ve met you in ‘real life’, when you’ve told me that although you never comment, you love reading this blog each and every day. You are the silent majority, and I hope you continue to enjoy what I have to share and say.

P.S. Hope you like the little overhaul – a new banner, photo of me, and a more coherent and peaceful colour scheme… ahhh..


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