And apparently that leads me to inadvertently channel Yoda ;D
Yes, I was happily surprised yesterday when I checked my blog stats to discover that Epheriell Designs has surpassed 1 Million Views.
One Million! That’s pretty phenomenal, and when I started this blog 3 years ago I don’t think I ever quite imagined it would become what it has.
I think it goes without saying that I’m stoked, and excited… and eager to see how soon we can reach the next milestone!
And of course… without you, I’d be talking to no-one. So I’d like to take this opportunity to thank some of my most loyal readers and commenters – every comment on this blog makes me smile, so thank you Vickie, Tasha, Deb, Teresa, Elle, Sally, Emily, Janine, Kathryn, Anastasia, Caren, Grace, Melanie, Toni… and everyone else who stops by and takes the time to not only read my posts, but share their thoughts with me.
And another thank you to all of you who share my posts on twitter, facebook, pinterest and StumbleUpon, you have helped this little blog to grow!
And finally… thank you to my silent readers. I know you’re there – I’ve met you in ‘real life’, when you’ve told me that although you never comment, you love reading this blog each and every day. You are the silent majority, and I hope you continue to enjoy what I have to share and say.
P.S. Hope you like the little overhaul – a new banner, photo of me, and a more coherent and peaceful colour scheme… ahhh..
Want more Epheriell-y goodness? Subscribe to Epheriell Designs! Also, you can follow me on  Twitter!
Top image from Hostess Blog
Congratulations on you One Million Views!!!
Oh my goodness! That’s amazing Jess, well done! Of course, you have so many views because of all the fabulous energy and passion you put into your blog. Here’s to the next million!
Congratulations to you Jess on your 1 million (I have a mental picture of Dr Evil with finger near mouth every time I hear the words 1 million… sorry.. rambling!!) views. Can’t wait to see what the next three years brings for you and ED.
Love T xo
Fabulous wow-wee I am speechless how flaming awesome. One million and four or more now. Xx
One million views! Amazing work Jess!
Thanks for having such fabulous blog posts that make me want to comment. 🙂
‘Tis true; ’tis your content and your lovely self that makes us *want* to comment! Congratulations on this milestone, and I’m raising a glass along with Melanie to the next million! (And aren’t you just so sweet to thank your commenters?! Typical Jess.)
How could I not? You guys always make me smile, and make me realise I’m not just talking to myself 🙂 x
Oh congrats, Jess! I am going to have a little stab in the dark, and knowing your goal orientated self, I’d *almost* bet my two small people on the fact that you have set yourself a goal/time for when you’ll reach the next million or one of the stepping stones on the way. I say *almost* because I couldn’t quite risk them and also, you’d never take them and that would leave them homeless. 😉
Teehee!! As much as I love you, Kath… you’re right ;P
Haha, Jess!
Wow! That’s a flippin’ big number! Congrats to your and your blog and the awesome content you create, it’s always worth checking in to see what’s going on.
(ps. and thanks for the shout-out! Feeling mighty chuffed about that – very sweet!)
Congratulations 🙂 Can’t wait to do the same
Congratulations Jess…that is an amazing achievement! Can I be like you when I grow up 🙂
Thats so cool Jess, and I am such a small fish in the blogging sea I am just flawed and stocked to get mentioned in your blog! LOL Got to celebrate your small goals along the way!
Thank you for having a fab blog filled with yumminess but also for sharing you wisdom and business tips along the way!
congrats jess on the wonderful achievement! xoxoox
Congratulations on you One Million Views!!!!
Haha, “silent readers”. I guess I am one…but a huge congratulations on one millions views! Huge accomplishment and I hope that triples soon. 😀
Wowwee! I mill – that is a milestone and a half! Many, many congrats and warm wishes to you and your gorgeous blog! XO’s
Congrats fellow duster!
I Love the new banner and photo, actually a lot more than the last look!
Thank you SO much, everyone!! 🙂 xx
wow, Congratulations! that’s so awesome Jess 🙂
Congrats, to Jess and all others who have made this so successful, you have done a marvellous job keeping so many people happy. I love your new photo and lovely bright banner. 😛