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I was pretty excited when I got the Etsy Australia email yesterday and discovered we now have an Australian homepage!

Basically, if you have your region set to Australia, you’ll see the Aussie homepage, which will feature treasuries of Australian sellers.

This is fabulous in that it will mean customers from within Australia will see Aussie items on the homepage, which should help them to discover new Aussie brands and shop local! I’m also hoping it means we will get to curate treasuries that are aimed towards our seasons, rather than the Northern Hemisphere seasons.

Of course, like me, you may want to check out the ‘main’ or US homepages, too, but that’s pretty easy to do with the click of a button down the bottom of the front page (just change your region to ‘everywhere’ or ‘US’) – I’ll probably swap back and forth occasionally to check out the NH trends.

The most exciting part of this for Aussie sellers is that we should get our products on the Australian front page more often – but only if we’re all making treasuries! Kirsteene wrote a little announcement here telling us all we need to know about this change, so go have a read for some treasury tips.

If you’ve made an Aussie treasury today, please feel free to leave a link to it in the comments, I’d love to check it out!


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