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Wow. You know those days when so much awesome seems to happen all at once? Yeah, today is one of those days.

First, of course – your chance to win a double pass to Etsy Success Sydney, which I posted this morning – I think that’s pretty darn awesome.

Then, the grooviness (that is SO a word, spell checker!) just kept on a comin’.

I saw via tweet that my new Wedding Bands (and some other rings) were featured on Polka dot Bride today! For those of you who haven’t heard of it, it’s Australia’s biggest wedding blog, so being featured is a huge privilege!

Also, I’ve finished the first step in a minor  re-brand of my Epheriell jewellery brand – a new logo and tagline. What do you think?


Along with a little re-arrange of the front page. Thank you SO MUCH to my Facebook peeps who gave me so many fab ideas towards the new tagline – it truly was a group effort!

I ended up going for something very short and sweet that I felt summed up the brand. The next step will be ordering some new branding materials – packing cards etc.

Finally!!! I got word that I am a finalist in the Blogster awards. Ahhhh!!!


Not only could I possibly win an Ultrabook (dies of excitement), the overall winner will win a 7-night trip to San Fran to attend the Outlands Festival of Music, Food, and Art. San Franscisco is one of my favourite cities in the world – the chance to go back there would be a dream!

If you enjoy reading ED, I would love, love, adore it if you could pop on over here and click the little ‘like’ button next to my blog. Public voting is only part of how they will choose the winner, but I would be stoked if I could at least reach a few hundred.

Whew, I think I need a good sleep. But before I do, I wanted to say a HUGE thank you to, well… YOU! I’m not going to get all Academy-Award-Speechy on you, but honestly, none of these awesome things would be happening if I didn’t have you – this community of people who come back and read ED (even you, lovely lurkers, I know you’re out there!), share their thoughts, buy my jewellery and support my dreams.

You rock xx


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