Let me introduce you to Jennine – the lady behind the ladybug! And I’ll let her introduce you to the Ladybug Markets – and what they are all about…
The whole idea for this website came about upon my frustrations as a crafter when:
1) I discovered I had way too much craft production happening and not enough space to store, let alone places on my body to dangle yet another piece of jewellery.
2) Someone suggested I sell my crafts at markets. Unfortunately, I am not one to get up at 4 am and get a booth up and running by 6 am. Let alone having a Saturday off work!
3) I wanted to become a part of the global online movement and knew that between my partner and I, we have enough brains and creativity to get something up and running!
Thus, I present you with Ladybug Markets. I want to share this online community with those of you who have similar frustrations! I am aiming for a wholesome, contemporary and fun atmosphere where you can put those knitting lessons your grandma (or mumsie!) taught you when you were 5 in to some good looking, trendy use!
Not only that but, I encourage you to actively participate in the growth of the site by submitting to the ever growing forum, read blog entries, watch monthly news updates on the Ladybug Markets Youtube T.V. Channel, learn from / create craft tutorials, and join the facebook and twitter groups for the latest…
Throw ideas out there, tell us what you love and hate and share some stories with the community of like minded people. It is important to us that we are creating a community for crafters, not just another shop.
Ladybug Markets is a craft community and market place for handmade items only. It is the place to go when you think anything craft!
We genuinely hope you enjoy using Ladybug Markets. Use it to it’s potential, get the most out of it and have fun!
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