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Today I was lucky enough to get out of the house (yay!) and participate in a craft class as part of Valley In.cube8r’s Lunchtime Workshops.

I’ve booked myself into a few of the workshops over the coming weeks (screenprinting and enamelling coming up!) and today I was excited to try bookbinding for the first time.

Meet Paola Beretta, our teacher for the day:

Paola works with bookbinding, papier mache, and collage. She did an awesome job of introducing us to the craft of bookbinding – I never knew how easy it could be!

Here are some of Paola’s example books:

And all the equipment we needed:

The first step was to glue some nice paper over the top of the card used for the front and back – I had card from a frozen berry box. I chose to use some recycled map pieces for my outside and inside cover.

The actual binding was recycled too, Paola found it at Reverse Garbage.

You then glue the binding strips to the back and front…

Then it’s time to punch holes through the binding that line up with the holes you’ve punched through your paper.

Of course, the final step is the actual binding.

And you have a book!

That’s Paris, Texas…

And it all took less than an hour. Nice!


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