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This morning it hit me. In just under 10 week’s time, I’m going to be married.

I think it was the invitations that did it. Yesterday I sat down and finished off a few stray invitations. TechNick had done the majority of the work, addressing invitations and envelopes, stamping every invite with a pretty leafy stamp in silver ink, buying and affixing stamps to all the envelopes… Bless him!

So, now it’s becoming real. The invites are on their way, we’ve narrowed down our vow choices (really must finalise that), have venues and celebrant planned, I have a dress… in fact, there is now really not much to do until a few weeks before the day.

Except for one. You see, it’s winter, it’s cold, I’ve been busy, I’ve eaten perhaps a tad too much chocolate… that’s right, I am porky! Now, most people look at me and scoff at that statement- but we all know when we’re at that ‘comfortable weight’ for ourselves. Not to mention I have a rather sheer and unforgiving wedding dress to wear in the not-to-distant future!

So, dear readers, I am here to ask for your help. Tomorrow I will skulk down to the gym, and ask them to re-activate my membership – my whole ‘I’ll just go for walks and do some pilates at home’ thang isn’t really working for me. Alas, I think I’ve come to the realisation that I only really stick to exercise a) when I’m in an environment where that’s the only choice, and b) when I know I’m forking out my hard-earned cash for the privilege.

All I ask is that you help me stay honest. And stay on track. And for those lovely women out there who have gone before me – please share your advice! Not only on this minor topic, but on all things wedding and marriage.

Oh, before I go, something a bit more on-topic – here’s a peek at the handmade wedding rings TechNick and I are getting. They are being made by an old friend of his, who is now a professional gold/silversmith and jeweller back in the UK – Georgina Ettridge.

wedding rings

We chose these to match the style of my engagement ring..


I’ll have to wait until a few weeks before the wedding to see them – Nick’s parents are bringing them over from the UK. I think they are just beautiful – a little different, and symbolic, too. I like to think of my engagement ring as symbolising marriage – there is both the rose (the diamond, symbolising all that is strong and joyous) and the thorns (the swirly-spikes, symbolising all that will be trying and difficult).

So, the count-down has begun – wish us luck!


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