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Red Tulip by Jess Van Den

Today I decided it was about time that I updated my blogroll. There are just so many fantastic blogs out there that I wanted to share with you! Now, if you are a blogger, and you’re not on my blogroll – please leave me a comment. I haven’t finished in my quest to blogroll the best, and I absolutely love finding new, quirky, informative and unique blogs to liven up my days.

Now, there are quite a few newbies on the list, so I wanted to take the chance to highlight two of my favourite blogs. These are both Aussie blogs, and always provide an insightful look at life. Neither are ‘craft blogs’ per se, but both women do have craft as an integral part of their lives.

Dancing with Frogs – written by an English teacher with a knack for giving a witty twist to even the most heart-wrenching of stories, and of course, the most wonderful!

Down–to–Earth – a blog about living a simple life from a woman who once lived a consumeristic, rat-race-infested life, but has now moved into a simpler, more peaceful and balanced life – an inspiration to all of us trying to do the same!

I highly recommend you check them both out!


What are your favourite blogs, and why? Leave a comment and let us know!