I just wanted to do a quick post to explain all of the changes around here of late! They say change is as good as a holiday – and, well, my passion for the blog has been ramped up lately. I know it’s common wisdom to not change things too often, or too much… but to be honest, I get bored! So I hope you don’t mind me messing with things.
I am working towards a more cohrent, and I guess ‘professional’ looking blog (whatever that means these days). I also wanted to make sure it was easy to navigate, and gave you, dear reader, lots of ways to find (and share) interesting content!
To that end, some of the changes are:
- I’ve updated the banner and background. I was never 100% happy with the last banner, and I feel the new one is stronger. I’m still debating whether to put the blog tagline on there somewhere…
- I’ve added the ‘This Week’ box at the top there (when you’re on the homepage). Basically, it will scroll through the most recent 6 posts, and give you a quick way to pick the one you want to read (edit: I had to get rid of this because it was messing with my Google Friend Connect Widget 🙁 ).
- I’ve put a ‘popular posts’ section in the left sidebar – this way you can see the best/most popular blog content and have a peek yourself!
- I’ve made it easier to subscribe via e-mail – you can see the little box on the left over there, near the top. That way, you can make sure to not miss a post because they’ll go straight to your inbox. Cool, huh? I subscribe like this to my fave blogs, because often I’ll be so busy that days will go by… and I’ll realise I haven’t checked my Google Reader!
- I’ve added the little floaty thing-a-majig on the left. You’ll see how it moves down the page with you. This makes it super-easy to share content you enjoy– you can just click the tweet, FB like or StumbleUpon buttons – no need to go hunting through the blog looking for them.
- I’ve taken the categories from under the header, and moved them down onto the right sidebar. This way you can see all of them, in all their glory!
Whew! There are probably a few more things I’ve done that I can’t remember, but I think it’s pretty much sorted for now!
I’d love your feedback, so feel free to comment below and let me know.
Jess xx
P.S. If any of you WordPress Geeks (like me) want to know how I did any of this, comment with your question and I’ll respond ;D
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i like the new look!
Love the new look banner! I prefer to see categories on a page (instead of months), very nice. I noticed in the last few days that it takes a while to load now thou. I can’t leave your page (to say go log onto my hotmail) and then jump back as the page didn’t load. You have to wait and wait and watch it appear. Might just be me…??? Anyone else have that heppening? Great stuff.
Thanks Julie and Jeanie!
Jeanie, thanks for that FB, I’ve made a few tweaks so I hope it loads a bit faster now!
Ah yes I know how you feel – I get bored easily too!! Ok now to look at the tweaks you made…