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Well, last night I was playing around with some silver wire and pearl beads, thinking of making something to wear in my hair for the wedding. So, I made this:


I’m thinking about how to attach this to a pin, or a comb, and wear one on either side, like so:


I usually do pretty much nothing with my hair, and as the bodice and straps of my gown are a bit sparkly, I’m not wearing a necklace. So I thought some hair adornment was in order!

Obviously I need to work out how to attach it so the pins/comb is hidden, and all you see are the dewdrops.

Well. I looked at this and the thought struck me – ‘gee, this would make a nice pendant, too… or perhaps even earrings…’

So I was inspired to make this:


And it is now for sale in my Artfire shop 🙂 Thinking I might make more of these – what do you think?