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What can you do with a cloth napkin, a safety pin and some dried lavender? Why, make a no-sew lavender sachet for your drawer or pillow, of course!

I made this little sachet recently, and thought you might like to try it yourself. First, you’ll need some dried lavender – preferably still on the stalk. I had some lying around that a friend had given me.

Place the lavender flowers in the centre of the cloth. I used a vintage napkin that I bought as part of a set recently, but a handkerchief would work well, too.

Bring all four corners together above the centre of the napkin.

Fold the corners down towards one edge, tucking in the lower set of flaps that are sticking out on the side (not all 4 flaps, just 2).

Turn the sachet over, and lay down to hold those corners in place.

Then, fold under the three corners at the top and sides. Leave the bottom corner out.

Pull the two flaps from the side over firmly onto the bottom of the sachet.

Then the last corner. Make sure to pull them firm to hold everything inside your sachet.

Pull the three corners together, and pin them through with your safety pin.

Voila! Finished and ready to fragrance your chosen spot.


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