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Meet my nose’s new best friend – Sniff Soy Candles.

When Alison got in touch with me a few weeks back, asking if I’d like to take some Sniff Candles for a test run, I had a quick peek at their site before giving her a big ‘yes please!’. She told me to pick my faves, and I honestly couldn’t choose just one, so she sent me both of these candles to try out.

Oh. my. gosh.

First, let’s talk about the Vanilla & Cinnamon candle. This candle smells like winter and Christmas and cookies and warmth. It smells like being sat in front of a blazing fire while looking out of rain-dappled windows over a snowy mountainside towards the majestic pine forests in the distance.

Okay, sure, I live in Queensland… so I’ve actually only experienced that exact scene once in my life – when I visited Oregon – but hey, that’s what it makes me feel like!

Now, let’s meet my new favourite smell – the Lemongrass Sherbet candle. A few minutes after I lit this candle, I wanted to lick the air, it smelt that good. It’s like candy for your sense of smell.

Seriously, I can’t describe it any better than that! I am sorta kinda addicted to burning this during the day when I’m working – it makes me feel bright and happy (and a little hungry sometimes…).

I also really like the simplicity of the design – all the candles are white, as are the labels – so these will fit with any decor anywhere! I will definitely be purchasing myself a replacement for my Lemon Sherbet candle when it runs out in the near future – and trying out another ‘flavour’ too, I think!

A little bit more about Sniff, from their website:

Our scented candles are hand poured and lovingly created in Sydney for a heavenly fragrance experience. Using only the highest quality eco-friendly soy wax (free from paraffin and palm wax), lead free wicks, recycled or recyclable packaging and perfectly blended essential oils and fragrances, Sniff Soy Candles will enrich any moment and create a lasting impression.

I love that ethos, baby!

Check them out (and order online) here.

P.S. In case it wasn’t clear – Alison sent me these for free to review – thank you Alison!


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