But not on holiday, unfortunately 😀
Work calls – and I’m heading over to a conference tomorrow morning. I’ve only ever been over there once before – for training – and that was in Auckland. I’m looking forward to seeing a little more of the country this time. Conference is Wed and Thu, and afterwards a colleague and I are staying with a NZ colleague for a few days near the bottom of the North Island. She’s apparently a mad-keen outdoors-woman, so we’ll hopefully be trekking around and seeing some of the wonderful scenery!
Of course, all of this means I’ll probably be silent here until next Sunday or Monday… but I’ll give you all a run-down when I return!
I’ve had an awesomely productive weekend – I’ve made so many new designs, and I’m just in love with the metalwork I’ve been doing. I’m dying to do a metalsmiths course soon – I’m thinking maybe in May – there are some courses on at the Brisbane Institute of Art, the same place I’m taking my painting lessons.
Hope you all had an awesome long weekend, and I’ll be back next week! 😀
Sounds like you’ll have a fun weekend!! don’t care for conferences my self, but if you get to stay longer and tour a bit – that would be fun.
Have a wonderful time in NZ – keep away from bungy jumps!