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Last week I was very excited to get some new tools – the first in a long time!

I had some new designs brewing in my mind, and realised that I simply couldn’t make them with the tools I currently had. So, some shopping was in order – don’t you just love getting new tools to play with?

The first thing I bought – pretty much on a whim – was this wooden dapping block. Wooden ones are much cheaper than the steel equivalent, so I thought I’d get the cheaper one to play with first.

Then, I saw this beautiful thing! It’s a steel plate for hammering upon – isn’t it lovely?! I especially like the wooden base.

Until now I have always used my teeny-tiny anvil – but this will make it easier to hammer bigger pieces.

And, finally, the thing I actually went looking for to start with! A ‘third hand’.

The purpose of this tool is to hold things in place while I solder them together. I need this to make some of the new earrings I have planned, like those you can see below (a little sneak peek into a few works-in-progress).

When did you last buy a new tool for your business or hobby?


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