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I have been spending some time lately trying to make the room we live in a little more lovely.

It’s going to be a good long while before we have a house to move into… and before we build that we’ve got plans to expand this space – there’s a room next door that used to be the horse stable, so we’re going to make it over (behind the door with all the stuff hanging on it) so that we have two rooms to live in – hurrah, what luxury!

Funnily enough, I’ve actually re-arranged slightly since taking these photos and doing the video last week… I’ll have to show you the updates sometime soon!

Anyways, in the video I take you through some of the little changes I’ve made, including my fave, the chain wardrobes!

For those of you who can’t watch the video, here are some pictures to show you some of what I have done.

Space is at a premium in this room. I really needed somewhere to hang my dresses – but there isn’t really space for a wardrobe. So, I very happily stumbled across this solution in the last Frankie magazine – using chains attached to the wall as clothes-hangers!

I also happily discovered that this shoe-rack, which was languishing in our storage container, fit perfectly behind the door. So now, I can see my shoes, and my dresses – and they’re easy to access, and not wrinkled from being smooshed in drawers.

The simple wooden hat-rack on the back of this door is so useful – my bags, hats, scarves – even an apron! –  live there.

A few close-ups to show you how the chain hangers work.

Now, a way to hang art that doesn’t involve drilling into the metal walls. A scrap piece of wood – with a ‘T’ piece nailed to the bottom to keep it sturdy. This art is some of my favourite, by Yellena.

And again – this art is by Matou en Peluche on the left, and Mr Mo and Co on the right.

I finally put up (with Nick’s help) this great hanging frame set from Ikea. I’ve had it since 2007 and never managed to use it!

I picked up this vase from the GOMA shop in Brisbane – the jars are thrifted from my friend Tasha – the cross-stitch was a wedding present from my dear friend Penny.

Finally, a little vignette – a wedding photo on a thrifted doily (what is it with me and doilies? Only a few years ago I never would have had doilies around!) and a thrifted cup – I use this to keep business cards in that I receive in the mail.


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