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Today we are welcoming Ange, from Handmade Jewellery by Ange. A fellow Brisbanite, Ange makes her gorgeous jewellery on top of a full-time job and a tanning business… whew!

I absolutely love her style (not surprisingly, as it’s quite similar to mine!) and she’s an awesome chick, to boot!

Where do you live?

I live in Brisbane in sunny Queensland, Australia.

Where do you do your work?

I work as a policy officer for government, in the human services area.

What’s your favourite place in the world, and why?

This is going to sound mushy, but really, its in my fiance’s arms – he’s much taller than me so a hug is always a big comforting bear hug!

Tell us a little bit more about yourself! Your ‘day job’ or business, family, hobbies…

I describe myself as a grownup with ADD – I always have a million things on the go – I work fulltime, make jewellery as a hobby, run a spray tanning business from home, and try to help Josh with our renovation.  Sometimes I get a little stressed, and then it’s time to nick away for the weekend camping and relaxing.

What did you want to be ‘when you grew up’?

I still don’t know!  Refer to previous answer wherein my work life is a bit all over the shop.

How did you first get into your craft/art?

Um, I pulled apart some god awful bridesmaid’s jewellery wanting to make it something I’d actually wear after the wedding… the first attempt was much more my style – simpler and more streamlined than the previous pink frothy mess that it started as!

What do you make?

I make jewellery – lots of jewellery – simple hammered sterling, detailed and intricate wire wrapped pieces with lots of precious gems, and some funky pieces too!

What are you most proud of making?

I’m most proud of my little bow necklace – the one I’m giving away to your readers.  Its just so sweet and simple, and it was the first piece I had the opportunity to wholesale!

What do you like the most/least about selling your wares online?

The connections you make – particularly through the teams I’m a member of – BrisStyle, Down Under Street Team, Jewelry on Etsy Team (I still need to get used to spelling jewellery the American way!).

I love…


It drives me crazy when…

People are intolerant, rude or ignorant.

What’s your favourite word?

A swear word. Lol!

If you could sum yourself or your work up in one sentence, it would say…

Hi, I’m Ange, and I’m freakin awesome :P  (cheeky too).

Visit Ange Online!




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This week, Ange is giving away an adorable little sterling silver bow necklace. And she’s happy to ship anywhere – so… get commenting!

To Enter:

1. Visit Jewellery  by Ange and come back here leaving a comment about your favourite piece from the store.

2. For additional entries, leave a comment saying that you: followed or subscribed to Epheriell Designs (or already do); have twittered about the givewaway; have shared the giveaway with friends on Facebook, or; you have written a blog post about it.

3. Entries close next Thursday night, the 15th of April, at 12pm Australian EST.

The winner will be chosen via

Remember to leave me a way of contacting you.. and Good Luck!


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