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Today we welcome someone a little different to the blog – Aussie artist Lee Sargent. Lee does awesome comic-book style art, and blogs over at Quit Your Day Job(practice your craft…). He’s also a great guy! I know a number of my readers are geeks like myself.. so enjoy…

Where about in Australia do you live?

I live in not so sunny Brisbane (at least at the moment – I’m told by reasonably good sources that the sun shall return).

What’s your favourite place in the world, and why?

That’s a hard one because to be perfectly honest I am yet to see all that much of it. Right now I think, at least in Australia my favourite place would be Melbourne, I picked up some great art from a street vendor down there and I just don’t see the same thing in Brisbane.

Where does your online ‘handle’ come from?

I always use my actual name, that’s who I am and I chose a while back not to hide behind an online handle.

robocop-atc1Tell us a little bit more about yourself! Your ‘day job’ or business, family, hobbies…

Well, for the day job I am a web/social media consultant who is currently contracted to the Queensland government, so my day job is pretty cool in itself. I’m really into a lot of popular culture related things, comics, animation, science fiction, etc.

What did you want to be ‘when you grew up’?

A Ghostbuster, and I proudly told my guidance counsellor that too, needless to say that my guidance counselling sessions were not very productive.

How did you first get into your craft/art?

My father drew and painted and I guess I first started drawing to be a little like him, probably not the best reason in the world. I discovered comic books when I was quite young and the imagery really captured me, in fact it ruined me for high school art because I fixated on the style of American comic book art.

What do you do/make?

I draw in comic book style, I’ve recently been doing quite a few artist trading cards in comic book style. I actually, as I type this, have just inked the first page in a comic book that I’m producing based on a character that I launched via my blog and got some really cool feedback on.

What is your favourite media to work with, and why?wolverine-cup-o-joe

Copic markers, especially for my artist trading cards. Otherwise Copic black ink, water colour and Indian ink.

Where do you get your ideas?

Comic books, of all genres, from throughout the world.

What do you like the most/least about selling your wares online?

Finding the right fit for your online store is what I like least, finding that initial point to start and then the whole promotion of your work.

What’s your favourite word?

Awesome, and it is awesome that I get to use it a lot.

If you could sum yourself or your work up in one sentence, it would say…

Something extraordinarily funny, that you would remember and find charming.

You can find more of Lee’s work, and more about his sci-fi/comic book/movie obsessed musings over at his blog – and don’t forget to check out the awesome Goodies and Baddies – a comic-book inspired artist trading card collection that he has created!


Pssst… next week Mondays have a new look! We’re still having a featured artisan each week – but now they will be paired with a giveaway! That’s right, every Monday there will be some gorgeous handmade goodie up for grabs, so come back – next week’s is a beauty!


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