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So, as you all know, I’m madly preparing for the Brisbane Indie Designers Market next Saturday.

I have had some neat ideas for my displays, so I thought I’d share with you all and see what you thought!

First, I wanted some way to display a stack of my earrings and necklaces hanging… so I came up with this:


Know what it is? It’s a canvas! I’ve painted it black, and I’m going to attach some wood to the back to make a stand. I thought it was a neat way of displaying things without spending too much. Oh, and I’ve stuck those thumb pins in it to hang things on.

Second, I actually bought this cute little earring hanger at the Brisbane Stitches and Craft Show – I wasn’t convinced that I liked it until I actually filled it with earrings…


Third, I wanted something to catch people’s eyes from a distance – so I’ve printed out a stack of my product photos on glossy paper and made displays with them – oh, and my brand name, too. It looks a bit messy atm, because it was raining when I made them, and the card has warped a bit because of the moisture. I need to work out how to flatten them!


Last, I had a brainwave about how to display my Resin Candy necklaces… what do you think?


I’ve got them hanging on my candelabra! I can scoot this in next to my table, a voila!

I’m hoping my stall has a coherent ‘look’ – and that it looks stylish.. but we’ll have to wait and see until next weekend!

Oh, I’m also working on some new Resin Candy Earrings to compliment my necklaces – what do you think?


Right, signing off ’till tomorrow – hope I haven’t posted ya all out! Oh, and make sure to visit tomorrow – I’m very excited about the Artisan I’m featuring – with a $25 voucher up for grabs!


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