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Hello, my name is Jessica, and I’m a chronic midnight snacker.

Many are the nights I will be sitting at the computer, making some jewellery, or reading… and the hunger pangs kick in. Now, I do lead a night-owl existence, usually staying up until 12:30 at the least. Since I usually have dinner at around 8, it’s not surprising that I start to get a little peckish around the 12 o’clock mark.

I have to admit though, I try to avoid eating late if I can – I fear the expanding waistline like the rest of you! But there are times when I just can’t do it… and so off to the kitchen I go.

This is one of my favourite snacks – and I make myself feel better by convincing myself it is healthy… it is, truly!


Mmmm.. midnight snack...

I grab a couple of rice crackers (which I always have in the cupboard), put a dollop of low-fat Tzatziki dip on them, and top that with a slice of cheese and a slice of cucumber. Yummy!

One important part about this snack is that I actually prepare it… then put the bits away… then sit down to eat it. Overweight lurks in the shadows for me if I just sit down and snack randomly…

This makes a nice little finite meal that staves off the hunger pangs, and lets me get on with the important stuff – like writing this blog!

So, who else is willing to ‘come out of the closet’ – and what do you snack on when the midnight munchies hit?


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