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Okay – what’s your hot beverage of choice? Coffee, tea, hot chocolate?

Or, perhaps you’re like a good friend of mine who just likes drinking hot water?

Well, if you’re a tea-fiend like me, be prepared to drool.

I’m usually a boring black-tea-bag-with-honey-and-milk drinker, but last week I decided to branch out and try some handmade teas created by an Etsy friend of mine, Verity, of Joie de tea. My first impression was a wonderful one – look at the lovely package I received!

I decided to order four different teas – Vanilla Basic Black, Vanilla Rooibos (can you tell I like vanilla?), Apple Pie Rooibos, and Peppermint. They all come in sturdy resealable plastic bags, to keep your tea nice and fresh.

I have tried all bar the Peppermint (which smells divine) and I may have become a convert to handmade tea blends!

I just love the smell of these teas, it adds a whole new dimension to the tea-drinking experience. I’m quite fond of the Rooibos now, too – and it’s an awesome choice for my evening tea, because it is naturally caffeine-free!

Now, if I can just train my tea-maker-in-residence to make these for me rather than using a tea-bag…


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