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Well, day 2 of my course was wonderful – though a little frustrating!
Today we had to design and make a silver pendant, utilising the technique called ‘sweat soldering’. This is where you solder one piece on top of another.
I decided to make a pendant in the shape of two raindrops. This involved drawing the design; cutting out the design from the silver sheet; filing and sandpapering the edges and faces smooth, and then… well, one piece has the solder melted onto it, and is then pickled and cleaned. All fine and dandy – until it came to soldering the two pieces together! You have to wire up the two pieces, then heat it until the solder turns. Trouble is, silver solder is silver! So it’s almost impossible to see the thin line form when the solder turns! It took me three goes to get it right 🙂
I also did a brass piece, and another ring, in my spare moments. The brass was much easier to do because I could see when the solder turned!
Here are the finished pieces…
What do ya think? Worth the effort? I did learn some awesome skills in this course – that I’m dying to put into practice! I’m hoping to visit a supplies shop or two in the city to find some tools and materials.
I visited Mum and Dad for Mother’s Day and Dad’s birthday last night – dad and I were talking tools, it was great! He made me happy by telling me where I can get a cheapish bench grinder!
Oh, here are some shots of the little workshop we were creating in…

My little work bench - with jewellers saw and jig

The soldering bench

The bench grinder - for polishing!

Drilling, hammering.. and more

Pickle 🙂
Isn’t it amazing how something so lovely comes out of such a mess!
The course was put on by the Brisbane Insitute of Art, and was taken by Rebecca Ward. I’d certainly recommend it if you live in Brissie!
Now, I’m off to make a couple of earring orders!
You did such a good job:) Well done:)
Well done, Jess. It was very proactive of you to do the silversmithing course!
haha..all those strange looking tools – I haven’t a clue what they do! So different to a sewing studio 🙂
can’t wait to see the raindrop pendant.
Good grief – all those tools and equipment!
Well done – your work is lovely.
The little cat is so cute! Bunny one next?
Thanks guys 🙂 I could certainly try a bunny for you bunny-mad folk out there… once I get my own equipment! There goes my K-Rudd money! 🙂
I think it turned out great! I’ve always wanted to take a pottery class, just haven’t gotten around to it.
Sweat soldering is tricky, that is how my bird rings are done – it is very hard to get it right without fire scale, I think you did a great job!
I was also wondering in your previous post about why you were using a bench grinder on your rings. LOL then I saw these pics and the polishing motor with mops as I would expect – haha
Yeah, it is tricky, Erika! Not something I intend to use regularly in my work – but it’s great to know now if I need it!
You really got yourself a hobby 😉 I’m in love with the silver drops! Very plain and yet still enough detail to be very special!