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Happy Monday lovely people! What are your plans for the week? I’ve got the next Issue of *bespoke* to work on, as well as getting back to the bench as orders start to flow in.

I saw this typographic poster on the weekend, and wanted to share it with you. Do you ever feel like you’re stuck in ‘stifling trivialities’? Like all the little things that fill your day consume you, and you don’t have time to just *be*? You need to run that errand, answer those endless piles of e-mails, do that blog post, that work, that cleaning, that assignment… feeling stressed yet?

I know I do.

Some of my favourite ways to quiet my busy little mind are reading and running. When I’m reading, I exist in the world of the story. I think that’s why I find it so hard to put down a novel once I’ve started – I just *have* to know how the story plays out. I have always – ever since I was a little girl and could read for the first time – adored getting lost in a story.

And when I run outside, I often feel a little like I’m waking up. I’ll often be stuck inside my head, listening to music, but I almost always reach a point where I suddenly *see* the world around me. The sky, the clouds… the mountains in the distance. I’ll notice my existence from a place almost outside myself, and feel a little perspective on things.

I think it’s vital that we have spaces in our lives. Spaces that are just a little bit outside of our normal mode of existence. Spaces where we can wake up out of the dream of the everyday, even if it’s only for a few moments.

How do you create spaces in your life?


Typographic print by Jeremy Paul Beasley

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