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If you saw my In the Studio post on Friday, you would remember I chatted about how Nick had made me some new shelves.

Well. I really wanted to put them in, but I’ve been so busy that I just couldn’t justify the time to do so. So, up until yesterday morning, my studio looked like this:

However, yesterday afternoon I had an unavoidable dentist appointment (last one of the year, fingers crossed!) in the city, which took a good few hours to travel to and from. When I arrived home, my studio had been transformed from that into this:

Wow!! Here’s a few close-ups…

Suffice it to say I was uber-impressed, and spent a good few minutes standing there just saying ‘wow’ over and over again. He even re-located my ‘make do and mend’ poster!

He’s a keeper.

(And so are the shelves).


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