It’s now less than 2 weeks until we head on over to the UK. I still can’t quite believe it – we’ve been planning this for at least a year now, and it will be my first time over there.
No doubt I will be talking MUCH more about that not only in the next 2 weeks, but also as we travel! I plan on sharing much of our journey with you all here – especially Paris… *sigh*
Anyways, since that’s going down, it’s time to wind down our garden for a bit of a rest while we’re gone.
We’ve been eating home-grown lettuce, cucumbers, mustard spinach, chillies, beans and much more! The other day, Nick cut all the chillies off the bush, and put them on the windowsill to ripen. I have to say, they’re looking pretty tasty!
He made the mistake of trying one of the green ones straight a few weeks ago.
Suffice it to say he won’t be doing that again, though it did provide me with a few hours of mirth!
The marigolds that ring our garden beds have been in bloom for ages now, and are starting to fade.
I’ve not grown them before, and I’m amazed at how long they last! In fact, I cut some and put them in a vase almost two weeks ago, and they still look beautiful.
We also have a big crop of green beans that Nick has blanched and frozen – ready for us to enjoy when we get home in August!
We have VERY big plans for our garden when we return – we can really go crazy and expand it – I can’t wait to dive in and grow spring and summer crops. There’s nothing better than the taste of home-grown food – it’s just bursting with life and flavour.
All photos by yours truly.
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