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I know, I know, this blog has nothing to do with movies… but when I came to do this post this trailer was what popped into my head! I saw it this morning, and did a girlie fan-girl squee.

I ADORE The Lord of The Rings (the movies and the books – yes, I have done the marathon of all three movies, the *extended* cuts), and I’m so excited to see so many of the characters from those movies in this one. Gandalf looks exactly the same, and I think Martin Freeman makes an excellent young Bilbo. And Stephen Fry is in it. What more could you ask for, really?

The first movie is still a whole year away… but you can be sure I’ll be seeing this one at the cinema – a rare event for me these days!

How about you? Are any of you LOTR fan-girls too? And not just because of Orlando Bloom (though I’m more an Aragorn girl, really).


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