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Do you have ‘that little luxury’ in your life? You know, the one that you really don’t NEED, but that makes you feel good every day?

For me, that little luxury is handmade soap. I know it costs a gazillion times more than ‘regular’ soap. But I don’t care.

I love the smells, the texture, the gorgeous frothy tops… everything about it. I have SO much handmade soap hanging around in my bathroom, because when I come across one that I fall in love with, I buy it – it’s hard to resist. I know it will get used! And it’s kinda a ‘practical’ luxury item, you know?

The soap pictured is the Pear & Lily soap by my friend Erin, from Inner Earth. I’ve bought her soaps before (divine!) but I haven’t tried this one… doesn’t it sound delicious, though?

So – what’s your ‘little luxury’?


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