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Today’s post comes to you courtesy of my cameraphone. We are all packed and ready to hit the road… but a big storm has descended!

So, it’ll be up early tomorrow morning instead.

This dress is one of my more recent vintage purchases – and in these photos you can see a little bit of my work area. The secretary desk behind me is usually open, and that’s where my laptop sits during the day. My jewellery work bench is right next to it – you can see the corner of it in the first photo!

If you’re enjoying these posts, you can donate here and help me raise funds for Ovarian Cancer Research.


My Frocktober Pledge

I have a couple of pledges for Frocktober – which is an annual event to raise money for Ovarian Cancer Research:

  • Each day I will don a vintage or handmade dress, take a photo, and blog about it here on Epheriell Designs. Considering I’m travelling to Melbourne and Canberra to attend the Problogger Training Day AND attending one of my bestie’s weddings, it’s going to be a frocktabulous month, and I might even be able to drag some other ladies into the fray!
  • I am going to sew my very first dress!!! {DONE!}Yes, I am very, very excited about this – and terrified, too! I have the perfect pattern, the perfect fabric – and it’s one of my goals for 2011. This is just the kick in the skirt that I need to get it done!
  • At the end of the month I’m going to auction off one of my vintage dress collection, and all the money raised will go into my pledge fund!

Want to know what Frocktober is all about?


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