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Today started off well – with breakfast out for Mother’s Day (Eggs Benedict, mmmm) and a lovely few hours with my Mum. Apart from having to drag my sorry self out of bed earlier than usual, it was a great start to the day.

Then, I got home, and was determined to finish the last few pieces of my Autumn/Winter collection so I could get them photographed!

You know that saying ‘best laid plans’ and all? Yes, well, sometimes, you just can’t ignore the muse. And today, after finishing a few more pieces for the collection, the muse was bugging me to do something else entirely. She was there in my head, taunting me, saying ‘you KNOW you really want to do this, right? C’mon, put that aside and dance with me, baby!’.

She was bugging me to get these new square rings/wedding bands made, and since creation is so much bloody easier when I just listen to what she says, I ran with it.

I made, photographed, edited, and listed these babies in a matter of hours, and am super-stoked with how they came out!

{Square Sterling Silver Wedding Band Set by Epheriell ~ Brushed Finish}

{Square Sterling Silver Men’s Ring by Epheriell ~ Brushed Finish}

{Square Sterling Silver Women’s Ring by Epheriell ~ Brushed Finish}

{Square Sterling Silver Men’s Ring by Epheriell ~ Brushed Finish. This is also a nice chunky women’s statement ring, I’m quite enamoured of wearing it on my middle finger as shown!}

I also got excited because my new buffing machine lets me make shiny-shiny rings like this… look, you can see me and my camera reflected in some of these shots!

{Square Sterling Silver Wedding Band Set by Epheriell ~ Gloss Finish}

{Square Sterling Silver Men’s Ring by Epheriell ~ Gloss Finish}

{Square Sterling Silver Women’s Ring by Epheriell ~ Gloss Finish}

So, after a high-energy few hours where I danced like a butterfly/stung like a bee – and won – I’m hoping I’ve wrangled the muse into submission for another few days, and she’ll give in and help me finish my Autumn/Winter collection – or there’ll be hell to pay!

{Yeah, take THAT, muse!}

P.S. Do other people have a sweet, rainbow-and-unicorn relationship with their muse? Because, as you can see, I certainly don’t!

P.P.S. I also made super-shiny versions of my standard round wedding rings.

P.P.P.S. How many of these can you do before it gets totally ridiculous?


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