Happy Monday, lovelies! It’s a dreary grey day here, so I thought some bright, cheery colour was needed! Nick also came home from his weekend down in the bush with a raging cold, which I am trying very, very hard not to catch – the last thing I need is to be sick for my trip to Sydney next week!
These pretty things are by Aussie maker Rachel Wightman of not Tuesday. I’m generally a more understated jewellery girl myself, but I would totally wear one of these today to bring a little pop of colour into my world!
I love her photography style, too – brilliant! Check out all her pretties here.
P. S. Don’t forget to enter the Plushka giveaway if you haven’t already – it closes tonight!
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Here the weather is sunny and lovely and these colourfull necklaces fit very well with such a great weather..I think they made me smile 🙂 Good job!!