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In my 3rd Blogaversary post I asked you to leave me any blogging questions you had, so I could help you out!

In this video I answer the following two questions:


At what point (if any) did it stop feeling like u were just talking to yourself?everytime someone mentions they read something on my blog i feel very strange because when I write posts I sort of assume no one will read it! – Elle


Hi Jess! Happy 3rd Blogaversary! You must be so proud!

I have a bloggy question that’s I’ve been mulling for some time now:

I’m new. Completely new. I haven’t even narrowed down what any niche of my upcoming blog will be, and I’m stuck even on my first “Welcome/About Me” post (I think because I’m scared)!

I don’t have a business, per se, but I am writerly, ponderly, and a “Jane of all Trades,” so to speak. I’ve gotten as far as defining categories for my blog (areas of interest/focus), and my goal is not only to somewhat self-brand, but maybe, even more, to have my blog be a reflection of my real-life exploration of things me-esque, ultimately being a bit of a tool with which to narrow my focus or identify a commonality string that ties my areas of interest and skill together. I am of the opinion that this is possible, as I have come across many blogs & sites that do this successfully to one degree or another (including yours!), and I’m asking this of you because I see your site/online presence as being very successful!

I assume (hope!) I’ll get readers and followers over time, but I’m gathering that there has to be something that attracts people and encourages them to be interested and return. While I will be aiming for a certain degree of transparency in my writings/thoughts/posts/recommendations, I further assume that a “journal” or self-reflective approach will not be the thing to accomplish this, so I want to avoid that. Any tips on how to start?? - Natalianne


Thanks for your lovely questions, ladies!

This is the first in a new series, answering your Crafty Biz questions! I’ll be working my way through the questions on this post – so if you have a question, please head on over there and leave it in the comments!


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