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Yay! I have finally finished this post – charting the construction of my lovely new desk!

So, most of you will know that I came across this desk on ana-white and fell in love with it… and since Nick was all gung-ho into his woodworking, I asked him to make me one – and he did!

First – the plans. Not just scribbled on a bit of paper. Oh no… he found and used a program that worked out all the pieces for him. That is, what bits of wood he’d have to buy, and how to cut them for maximum use. Clever, eh?

Here we have the basic frame constructed – hurrah! Husband shown for scale purposes.

Now, the back, and a few nice edging bits.

Nick loathed that roller by the end of this. In fact, he loathed painting full-stop. But – still happy at this stage – lalala! Undercoat time.

Painting finished! Do you like the blue I finally decided on? Here, he’s deciding on the placement of the hinges.

Ta-da!! Finished! Not 100% happy with the brass closure up the top, but we’ll change that at a later stage – it’s actually a fitting cannibalised from our van kitchen unit – we just needed something to keep that bit shut.

‘Scuse the bad flash, but I wanted to show you a close-up of the handles I chose.

Here it is, blending in not-at-all with the current decor – hideous carpet and walls I painted when I was 17 – the colour is nicer in real life… honest.

You’ll just have to picture this, as I do, in our future home, in front of a floor-to ceiling window, walls painted white, with light wooden floors… in short, it doesn’t really work in the space it’s in now, but it will! Planning ahead for Dream House!

I stuck the cork-board to the back wall of it – it’s actually old cork from a board I used to have in my room, so – upcycled, the best kind! Oh, and the silver bit there – that is steel also found randomly in the shed. Win.

I needed something to put my magnetic birdies on!

Reminding me to always keep the dream alive *picture me pulling down fist in front of my face in serious Tony Robbins gesture style*. And seriously, this photo was taken in the middle of the day – that is how bad the light in this room is – needed the flash. Dream House will not require flash to take photos anywhere in it!

P.S. almost all the bits of pretty you see here was either bought from or won from or gifted by fellow awesome handmade peeps. You all rock!

So that, lovelies, is my fabulous desk. If you know me, you will be amazed to know that the drawers are still not yet jammed full of stuff… though pretty much all the nooks and in/out boxes are!

Thank you, lovely, patient, creative husband, for this awesome Christmas present – it must be one of the best presents ever!


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