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Today is Mother’s Day in Australia – hooray for mums of all types!

A while back, I decided that I would enter my first ever race – The Mother’s Day Classic – an Australia-wide event run every year on Mother’s Day to raise funds for breast cancer research.

My very lovely mother got up at 3:30?!am this morning to come into the city with me for the race. If you really want to see what I – as well as my fellow Brissie Blogger teammates Catherine Caine and Ainslie Hunter – looked like before and after the race, click on the links.

After the race (which was freaking awesome – I ran the whole 4.5km, the longest I’ve ever run – yay me!) mum and I hung out in the city. A big breakfast at West End, followed by a wander through the city, Devonshire tea, and a mosey around the suitcase rummage.

But how does this relate to sewing, and four generations?

Well, you might remember last week when I wrote about the vintage handkerchiefs I inherited from my Granny when she passed away recently – and what I planned to make with them.

I decided that I wanted to make one of the pincushion/pillows for mum to give her for this Mother’s Day. So yesterday I sat down at the sewing machine, and made this in surprisingly little time.

This pillow spans four generations of our family. It was made by me, for my mother, with a handkerchief inherited from my Grandmother and buttons inherited from my Great-Grandmother!

I chose the purple button, because unless you couldn’t tell from the wall above, it’s my mum’s fave colour.

She loved it, and I’m sure she’ll cherish it – and the memories that go along with it – for all the years to come.


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