Today I thought I’d make a bit of a video for you all!
This is aimed at those of you who are interested in jewellery making – specifically, silversmithing.
In this video I show you all the tools, equipment and chemicals you need to start off as a beginning silversmith.
If you have any questions about this after watching, please feel free to get in touch and ask!
Simply Silversmithing – Tools, Equipment and Chemicals from Jessica Van Den on Vimeo.
P.S. I’m thinking of doing an online silversmithing course, where I would make video-lessons that cover all aspects of beginning silversmithing. Would you be interested in such a course? Please let me know in the comments 🙂 If I get enough interest I might just go ahead with it!
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That was great Jess… I’d be interested in an online course if you do one! And if you do, what would be REALLY ace would be an online shopping list of where to get all the bits and pieces from what online stores (all the bits that don’t come from Bunnings!) – I find it really confusing buying materials for a new craft, as people often refer to things with different names, or there ends up being 10 different types of the one thing and you are unsure which ones to get. Anyway, that was really helpful – hope you do some more : )
Thanks Amelia – that is some wonderful feedback and information! This is the stuff I need… knowing what people really want to learn 🙂
That was great Jess. Thought you were going to set the camera on fire though. LOL. Great info to know and would love to see follow up videos of how to actually make stuff. Thanks .
Haha, thanks Del! Nah, no worries about setting the camera on fire – I was still safely far away from it 🙂
Loved the video! You did a great job explaining everything. Wish I had seen it a month ago when I was trying to buy all that stuff. 🙂
I would love to see more!
Thanks for your comment Jessica! I hope you managed to buy everything okay 😀
.-= Jess´s last blog ..Simply Silversmithing Video – Tools, Equipment and Chemicals =-.
Great vid – really enjoyed it 🙂 I
Had no idea there was so much equipment involved – I feel lucky to just need my crochet hook!
After using that torch you would totally be fine with fire twirling 😉 torch looks much scarier!
.-= Nyss´s last blog ..Oh no – missing suspenders! =-.
great video i am glad to have foundthis blog ^.^ now i know a little bit more about the equipment involved thank you ^.^
Hi Jess,
I was pleased to see you have a very similar set up to mine, (even though I hardly use mine anymore!) One of the issues I have is with Pickle – what do you do with your old stuff, I don’t know how to get rid of it and have to admit this is one of the reasons stopping me from doing home silversmithing.
Thanks Jess,
I have just watched your intro to Silver-smithing video on your website, I thought it was excellent. Well presented and plenty of info. You mentioned that you might be starting on-line silver-smithing lessons. Have you started them or are they available for purchase? I would be very interested in this type of lesson. Looking forward to hearing from you. I agree with Amelia’s idea about the list of stuff we need to get started and where to buy it 🙂
Thanks again,
Hi Andy,
Thank you! The lessons are still on my very long ‘to-do’ list, unfortunately! It is definitely something I want to do in the future, hopefully sometime in the first part of next year, so keep your eyes on here for more info 🙂
Hi Jess I have been searching for an online silversmithing course for AGES!! I’m a single mother of 3 primary school aged children and would really love to learn but because of the ages of my children I can’t get to a class easily. You would do extremely well if you set up an online course as I haven’t found a single one online yet.
This video was very useful. I would have three children and live in New Mexico. I am teaching myself the leather, but would like to learn to silversmith so I can make my own buckles and pieces. Let me know I’m in.
Greetings from Egypt, Jessica!!!
Thank you so much for the wonderful video, you’re the best! I have a question (maybe it’s a naive one, as I’m still new to all of this): regarding the sheet metal, can I word with brass instead of copper or silver?
Many thanks!!
Greetings from Egypt, Jessica!!!
Thank you so much for the wonderful video, you’re the best! I have a question (maybe it’s a naive one, as I’m still new to all of this): regarding the sheet metal, can I word with brass instead of copper or silver?
Many thanks and by the way, you look a lot nicer with short hair!!
Hi Miriam, you certainly can! And thanks 🙂
Jessica, very good video! I am just looking into Silver/Goldsmithing and have never done it before! I have some ideas in my head that I am really wanting to get working on! Your video was very helpful. Would be interested in classes if you are still considering! Thanks!
Thanks for the “basics” info. I hope to start making some silver jewelry in the near future. I’m eager to experiment and see what I can come up with. I remember doing some work with silver in high school. MeandBoo asked a good question and I didn’t see an answer…What do you do with the old pickle?
Hi Jess great video! Wondering if the online course is still in the pipeline? cheers!
hey! ive been wanting to learn the basics for a very long time but im generally to unorganized to leave my house or dedicate myself to full time study! i think an online course would be an excellent idea!! please do! videos are so quick and awesome.. good idea!
one small thing I could add if you don`t mind …after using your soldering torch it will be very hot and it is a good idea to have a safe place to park it. quickly….perhaps a hook in a safe position on the side of your bench ….I found the idea very useful
Very good video. This video is very useful for jewellery making users. I like this post very much. Thank you for the useful ideas you have shared in this article.
I would be interested!
I would be very interested in an online class
I would be interested in an online class also. Janice
I would love to do an online course!