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You know, I love buying handmade full stop – just because.

But sometimes, I come across a product with a story – and it just makes my life that little bit more wonderful.

Take this sticker pack from fellow Brisbanite Mel Stringer.

Now, the stickers are hella cute, and they’re just $5 – and that would have been enough to make me blog about them/buy them – but the story that goes with them? Awesome.

You see, Mel wants to buy a video camera, so she can fulfil a life-long dream of capturing things on film. But how to afford it?

Well, if she can sell 100 of these little sticker packs, she’ll have saved enough to buy one – and even more, she promises that she’ll thank each and every one of the people who buy a pack in her first mini-movie.

Isn’t that awesome? I think it’s awesome. That’s why I’ve blogged about it. And I’m going to buy a set. And probably some more of the stuff in her store, because it’s ridiculously cute and interesting. Like her zines. Or maybe some cute printables? Like these ones that you can make cameras out of?

I’m suffering a case of choice paralysis!


I wrote this post on Monday, and since then…

I want to make mention today of a horrible tragedy that has hit the Aussie craft community. Julie-Ann, one of the team leaders of the Etsy DUST (Down Under Street Team) was critically injured in a plane crash that also killed her 15-year-old daughter. Many Australian’s would have heard about the light plane crash in Victoria on the news yesterday.

I count Julie-Ann as one of my online friends – which makes her my friend, full-stop. I don’t think there is anything more tragic than the death of a child, and I can only hope her heart can survive the loss of Jacinda once her body recovers from her own injuries.

My heart goes out to her, her husband, and their other children as they deal with the horrific loss of their daughter and sister. My hope is that Julie-Ann comes through this and recovers, and I’d love it if all of you could send positive thoughts her way. Thanks, lovely people xx


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